HAMBURG INNOVATION PORT (HIP) becomes TUHH’s center for digital technologies – science and business are working successfully under one roof.
Since the opening of HIP One, five of the eight planned institutes have now moved into their premises at TUHH’s new Harbor Campus. The first construction phase of the HAMBURG INNOVATION PORT in Harburg’s inland port is thus characterized by digitization in the engineering sciences.
In the institute of the acting Vice President Prof. Kerstin Kuchta, new findings on “Sustainable Resource and Waste Management” are being worked on in the in-house laboratory. The research-oriented Institute for Environmental Engineering and Energy Economics has set itself the goal of conserving natural resources and thus the environment.
The newly created Institute for Software Security, headed by computer scientist Prof. Riccardo Scandariato, who came to Hamburg from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, moved into its premises in the winter semester of 2020. Design and development of secure and privacy-friendly applications are the focus of his research.
Also in the winter semester of 2020, research on the consequences of digitization for the economy began at the new Institute for Digital Economics, headed by Prof. Timo Heinrich: What impact will digitization have on companies, employees, consumers and society?
On March 1, 2021, the Institute for Digital and Autonomous Construction under the direction of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kay Smarsly will move into its premises in the HIP – HC HAGEMANN as developer and operator of the HAMBURG INNOVATION PORT has already been involved with BIM and autonomous construction for some time and is looking forward to close cooperation.
The second construction phase, HIP Two, is already in planning and will provide 20,000 m² of office and laboratory space for the planned growth of the TUHH as well as technology-related companies from the business world upon completion.